Sunday, August 30, 2009

8 month check up and Preschool

Theodore had his 8 month check up and is nice and healthy. He was in the 90th percentile in weight (shocker - lol) and 75th-90th percentile in height. He is really moving now too, he is a professional at crawling and is pulling up on everything. He is also just starting to cruise but this is hard at our house at it has been toddlerized and there is not much to cruise on. He is babbling and has a strong affection for puffs!
We have been busy getting back into our schedule now that PDO is back in session. Our big change this fall is that Buck is in Preschool 1 day a week. I LOVE his school and wish I could go with him. It is nice for THeodore and I to get our mommy and T time, he really enjoys that and I do too. Buck's first day of Preschool was a success, and he is very excited to go back this week, he says "preschool" every day and it is really the cutest thing he has ever said.

We also went to India Fest this week and Buck had his first taste of ethnic cuisine. He did ok, but the event was packed and very overwhelming for my little ones, we will definatley give it another go next year!

First Day of Preschool Family Picture for Bucks School


  1. I LOVE all of these pictures, especially the one of the 4 of you! How great! I'm so glad Buck likes his preschool, and T is getting so big. He looks older than when I just saw him last :)

  2. I like to echo Claires words. I love all the pictures too, especially where the whole family are shown. Lovely.

    Spices are strong for little ones to take in, but it's good to read that their having little tasters.
